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Pursuant to the provisions of Article [25/2], as read with Article [27/2 / c] of

Al-Neelain University Act, [1995]; the Senate of Al-Neelain University in its meeting No. 94, dated 21/06/2016 issued the following regulations:

Chapter One
Preliminary Provisions

Article 1:

Name of Regulations and Date of commence
[1] These Regulations are called “The eligibility criteria of nomination for scholarships at Al-Neelain University [2016], and will come into effect the date of signature.


[2] In these regulations, unless the context requires another meaning, each of the following statements means what is shown in front of it:



The University

Al-Neelain University


Vice-Chancellor of Al-Neelain University.



Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Al-Neelain University.


It is the financial expenses and benefits provided by the University in order to assist to obtain a university degree or graduate degree from the University or elsewhere, and the opportunities offered by the University to students as an implementation of agreements with the University, according to regulations.


Full Scholarship

a scholarship that covers tuition and living expenses and health insurance and travel during the study period.



a financial aid of which the students benefit to exempt portion of the tuition fees. It covers tuition fees only and does not include living cost.



offered by the University to students residing in Sudan. It includes exemption from tuition fees only.



awarded by the University abroad to creative and innovative students in the fields of applied science and humanities, to develop their ideas and inventions. It includes tuition fees, housing allowance and tickets.


Graduate Scholarship

intended for students who have distinguished themselves during undergraduate studies by their academic excellence. The purpose of this scholarship is to encourage researchers in different disciplines of applied sciences and humanities, to effectively contribute to the community development.

Competitiveness-based Scholarship

offered to students on the basis of records of high academic achievements; selection criteria is based on the student CGPA (GPA) if being a student at Al-Neelain University, or on the student grade obtained at the Sudanese Certificate if being a new student.

Non Competitiveness-based Scholarship

obtained upon completion of required documents in accordance with specific requirements of regulations.

Social Scholarship

intended for children of martyrs, orphans, the bearers of Holly Quran, blind and disabled people in different categories, missing persons and special social cases.

Special Scholarship

need-based grants intended for: those suffer financial hardship preventing them from completing their university education in Sudan; poor Sudanese living abroad; foreign students; and competencies and talents.

Foreign Students Scholarship

offered by the University for foreign students to study at the University under the University sponsorship. The sponsorship includes university housing, tickets and exemption from tuition fees.

Short-term Scholarship

It includes short-term training courses and programmes.

Intellectual property  Scholarship

offered by the University to sponsor creativity and invention activities in the fields of humanities and applied research.

Competencies and Talents Scholarship

offered by the University to sponsor cultural, sporting and social activities and entrepreneurship. It is intended for students and talents.

Academic Excellence

 obtaining higher grades in the Sudanese Certificate or its equivalent or in the University degree.

Academic Distinction

the distinguished scientific or academic performance of the students at the University during the study to get a Bachelor's degree or a technical diploma coupled with good behaviour.

Graduate Studies

advanced academic degrees (i.e. higher diploma, master's and doctoral degrees) with the general requirement that students must have earned a previous undergraduate (bachelor's) degree.

Maximum Duration

It is the maximum estimated duration of the study, as proposed by the respective department that launches the programme, to meet graduation requirements.

The University Employees

all the employees of the University who work full time in accordance with the laws and regulations of the public service.

Time Constraint

the period of time required to expire in the time-limited scholarships.

The Committee

the Scholarship Committee of Al-Neelain University.

The scope of implementation of the regulations:

[3] The provisions of these regulations apply on the employees and students of Al-Neelain University.

Chapter II
Scholarships Eligibility Criteria

Article 2:

[4] Standards, principles and rules of nomination of eligible candidates:


  1. The applicants must meet the required standards of the desired programmes in accordance with the admission requirements.
  2. The beneficiary of the scholarship should be a registered student at the University or has the desire and the readiness to join the University in accordance with the scholarships’ programmes and has the willingness for effective self-development and performance.

3. Application for scholarships should be within the specified period of time..

Chapter III
Objectives, types and conditions of the scholarships

Article 3: 

The Scholarships’ programmes of Al-Neelain University represent an important window to reduce the shortage of educational opportunities on one hand, and to enable the indigent students to take advatage of this opportunity on the other hand.

[5] Objectives of the Scholarships’ programmes:

The Scholarships’ programmes aim at achioeving the following:

  1. Striving to assist students to obtain an academic and scientific qualification for more effective performance in their communities in different disciplines covering the needs of the labour market.
  2. Attracting outstanding and academically distinguished students and sponsoring young researchers to enrich the scientific research for the purpose of community service.
  3. Increasing the cultural awareness and establishing closer links between the sisterly and friendly countries.
  4. Supporting needy qualified students and employees of the University.
  5. Contributing to teaching of Arabic language for non-Arabic speakers.

[6] Types of scholarships:

The University offers many internal and external, partial and full scholarships; including: academic excellence, academic distinction; undergraduate and graduate scholarships (master and doctorate); the University employees and their children scholarships; social and special scholarships.

[A] Academic Excellence Scholarship (Undergraduate):

The University offers 5-10 non competitiveness-based opportunities to obtain a Bachelor Degree for the applicants who obtained higher grades in the Sudanese Certificate or equivalent recognized certificates in Sudan, in the same year of admission. This scholarship includes exemption from tuition fees only.

Eligibility Criteria of the Ecademic Excellence Scholarship:

  1. Applicant should meet the admission requirements of the program to which he/she wishes to be admitted to, in the University different disciplines.
  2. Applicant should have obtained the highest grade in Sudanese certificate among all applicants for the same year.
  3. Fill in the application form manually or online on the University website (Scholarships’ tab).
  4. Submit all the required documents.

[B] The Academic Distinction Scholarship (graduate):

 The University offers a partial or full scholarship to pursue graduate studies at the University for students with excellent academic records during their undergraduate studies. This scholarship is a competition-based for Masters and Doctorate degrees, and should not exceed 5% of the total number of the registered students for the program, in both cases of studying by courses or research. The number of scholarships will be additional to the number of students planned for by the Graduate College. Exemption from tuition fees will be 100% for the top students of their classes and 50% for the second top students.

Eligibility Criteria of the Academic Distinction Scholarship:

  1. Applicant should meet the eligibility criteria of the program to which he/she wishes to be admitted to, in accordance with admission requirements.
  2. Applicant should have obtained his/her B. Sc. Degree from the University.
  3. Applicant should have maintained an outstanding academic performance during all the years of study at the University
  4. A minimum cumulative average of the applicant should be 3.70 points or 80%
  5. Applicant should not have been awarded another scholarship by the University.
  6. Studying should be in a specific discipline.
  7. Full time study.

How to apply:

  1. Personal application by filling in the application form manually; or online on the University website (Scholarships’ tab).
  2. Nomination by their faculties or units.

[C] Undergraduate Scholarship for Students of Special Admission:

The University offers a full or partial scholarship for students admitted on sspecial funding who are academically distinguished during their undergraduate studies. The scholarship is competitive-based and should not exceed 2% of the total number of students. The Scholarship offers 100% exemption from tuition fees for the top student of his batch and 50% for the second top student.

[D] Academic Excellence Scholarship for Technical Diploma Students:

The University offers an opportunity to upgrade to the Bachelor Degree to academically distinguished students (top of the batch with Grade: Excellent) for each technical diploma programme within the University. The Scholarship includes exemption from tuition fees only.

Eligibility Criteria of the Academic Excellence Scholarship for Technical Diploma Students:

  1. Applicant should meet the required criteria for upgrading in accordance with admission requirements.
  2. Applicant should have obtained his/her Diploma from the University.
  3. Applicant should have maintained an outstanding academic performance during all the years of study at the University.
  4. Applicant should be the top of the batch with Grade: Excellent.
  5. Study should be in a specific discipline.
  6. Full time study.

How to apply:

  1. Personal application by filling in the application form manually; or online on the University website (Scholarships’ tab).
  2. Nomination by their faculties or units.

[E] Undergraduate Scholarship for the University Employees and their Spouses and Children:

  1. Children of Al-Neelain University employees (General admission) will be awarded a scholarship for the Bachelor's level. It includes only exemption from tuition fees and does not include the registration fee.
  2. Technicians, staff and employees of Al-Neelain University will be awarded a scholarship for the Bachelor's level. It includes only exemption from tuition fees .
  3. Retired employees of Al-Neelain University and their children will be awarded a scholarship for the Bachelor's level. It includes only exemption from tuition fees.
  4. Children of the deceased employees of Al-Neelain University will be awarded a scholarship for the Bachelor's level. It includes only exemption from tuition fees .

Scholarship Terms and Conditions:

  1. Applicant should meet the required criteria for admission to the academic degree.
  2. Filling in the application form.
  3. Submission of all required documents.
  4. Study should be in a specific discipline.
  5. Application form should be authenticated by the Human Resource Department of Al-Neelain University.

[F] Postgraduate Scholarship for the University Employees and their Children and Spouses:

  1. The University offers a partial internal grant for postgraduate studies (Masters and Doctorate) by courses; including exemption of 60% of tuition fees. The scholarship will be on competition basis. The number of scholarships should not exceed 5% of the total number of students enrolled in the specified programme.The number of scholarships will be additional to the number of students planned for by the Graduate College. Study programme should not contradict with working hours.
  2. The University offers a partial internal grant for postgraduate studies (Masters and Doctorate) by research; including exemption of 40% of tuition fees. The scholarship will be on a competition basis. The number of scholarships should not exceed 10% of the total number of students planned for by the Graduate College.
  3. Grant opportunity for any employee to study is only once and beneficiaries are not allowed to apply again in case of failure to meet requirements, withdraw or change of discipline.
  4. In the case that the number of candidates for scholarships from the University employees is more than the number of opportunities available; priority will be given in accordance with specific criteria that guarantee the fairness of the selection process.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions:

  1. Applicant should meet the required criteria for admission to the academic degree.
  2. Filling in the application form.
  3. Submission of all required documents.
  4. Study should be in a specific discipline.
  5. Approval by the employer (Head of the Department, or the Unit, etc…)
  6. Application form should be authenticated by the Human Resources Dept. of Al Neelain University.

Chapter IV
Social Scholarships

Article 4:

Social Scholarship

  1. The University offers the following categories of the students of the Sudanese Certificate (General admission) a maximum of 20 full scholarships on competition basis; children and brothers of martyrs, orphans, bearers of the Quran, blind and disabled people, and children of deceased. The Scholarship covers only exemption from tuition fees.
  2. The University offers a full scholarship for students of general admission whom their fathers died while being a student.The scholarship includes exemption from tuition fees only.
  3. The University offers a full or partial competitivenees-based scholarship to the academically distinguished students from these categories for postgraduate programmes. The number of scholarships should not exceed 5% of the total number of students enrolled in the specified programme. The number of scholarships will be additional to the number of students planned for by the Graduate College. The scholarship includes exemption from tuition fees only.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions:

  1. Applicant should meet the admission requirements of the program to which he/she wishes to be admitted to, in various University disciplines.
  2. Filling in the application form.
  3. Submission of all required documents.

Chapter v
Special Scholarships

Article 5:

Special scholarships:

Special scholarships include:

  1. Scholarships for needy (poor) Sudanese living abroad.
  2. Short-term scholarships for studying Arabic language for non-native speakers.
  3. Scholarships for students of countries that have agreements with the University. Opportunities should not be more than 2%.
  4. Scholarships for national service and state societies and associations.
  5. Sponsorship of Intellectual property scholarship.
  6. Competencies’ and talents’  Scholarship.

I: Scholarships for needy (poor) Sudanese living abroad.

Al-Neelain University offers 5 annual scholarships for needy Sudanese living abroad to study at undergraduate level.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions:

  1. Applicant should meet the admission requirements of the program to which he/she wishes to be admitted to, in various University disciplines.
  2. Submission of all required documents.
  3. Death Certificate in case of father’s passing away; and a copy of Divorce Document in case of divorce.
  4. Guardian's income certificate or unemployment certificate.

.How to apply:

  1. Personal application by filling in the application form manually; or online on the University website (Scholarships’ tab).
  2. Applications can be made through Sudan Embassies and Consular offices in respective countries.

II: The Study of Arabic language Scholarship for non-native Speakers:

The University grants a special scholarship to study Arabic language for non-native speakers. The scholarship is competitiveness-based and provides three opportunities annually.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions:

  1. Applicant should be a non-native speaker of Arabic.
  2. Applicant should meet the admission requirements and has to fill in the application form.
  3. Submission of all required documents.
  4. Applications can be made through Sudan Embassies and Consular offices in respective countries.

III: Foreign Students Scholarship

This scholarship offered by the University for foreign students who come to Sudan to study at the University under the University sponsorship in accordance with cooperation agreements between the University and other countries. The scholarship must be benefited from in the same academic year and it’s not allowed to transfer it to the following academic year.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions:

  1. Applicant should meet the admission requirements of the program to which he/she wishes to be admitted to, in various University disciplines.
  2. Submission of all required documents.
  3. Authenticated medical examination issued by competent authorities.
  4. Commitment to the prescribed maximum duration of the study.

How to apply:

  1. Online application on the University website (Scholarships’ tab).
  2. Nomination by their embassies and consular offices.

IV: National Service and Societies and Associations Scholarships:

The University offers a full time- constrained, internal and competitiveness-based scholarship for national service and state societies and associations. It includes 5-10 annual opportunities in a accordance with the specified conditions.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions:

  1. Applicant should meet the admission requirements of the program to which he/she wishes to be admitted to, in various University disciplines.
  2. Submission of all required documents.
  3. Filling in the application form.
  4. Commitment to the prescribed maximum duration of the study.

V: Sponsorship of Intellectual property Scholarship:

This scholarship is offered by the University for students who are inventors and those obtained a patent, to help them develop their inventions in the fields of humanities and applied sciences. It’s a full time, constrained, competitiveness-based external scholarship. The scholarship may be conditioned by the applicant commitment to return to the country on the completion of study and working at the University, or without such an obligation.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions:

  1. Submission of all required documents.
  2. Applicant should meet the admission requirements of the program to which he/she wishes to be admitted to, in various University disciplines.
  3. Applicant should possess an invention, discovery or patent.

How to apply:

Personal application by filling in the application form manually; or online on the University website (Scholarships’ tab).

VI. Competencies’ and Talents’ Scholarship

The University offers a full or partial, internal, time-limited and competitiveness-based scholarship for competencies and talents. It includes 3 annual opportunities.

Scholarship Terms and Conditions:

  1. Filling in the application form.
  2. Submission of all required documents.
  3. Applicant should be talented and competent in sports, cultural or social activities.
  4. Applicant should be distinct in Entrepreneurship.

How to apply:

  1. Personal application by filling in the application form manually; or online on the University website (Scholarships’ tab).
  2. Nomination by their faculties or units.

Chapter VI
Tuition Fees Reduction

Article 6:

Tuition fees reduction:

  1. Tuition fees can be reduced for students of general admission as necessary and according to situations on specific basis and criteria with specific percentage for the University students, provided that application doesn’t exceed the first month of the academic year and after registration.

Tuition fees can be reduced for students of special admission for one student in each programme of the various University programmes. Reduction is 40% for humanities faculties and 60% for applied sciences faculties. The Vice-Chancellor has the right to reduce the tuition fees and to offer grants in accordance with his authorities and in cases that are not covered by these regulations.

Chapter VII
Establishment of the Scholarships Committee of Al-Neelain University

  1. A committee is to be established to tackle the tasks of scholarships management and perform all the necessary operations and duties that ensure achieving its goals and objectives.
  2. The Committee shall be composed of nine members nominated by the Vice-Chancellor at the beginning of each session.

3. The membership of the Committee lasts for four years.

Committee meetings:

  1. The Committee shall meet at the call of its Chairman to conduct its regular actions and the Chairman may call for any emergency meeting.
  2. In the absence of the Chairman, he or the Committee may appoint who deems appropriate.
  3. The quorum for meetings of the Committee in the presence of half the members plus one.
  4. The decisions are taken by the ordinary majority, and in the case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a casting vote.
  5. The Commission will make the final decision to award the scholarship on the approval of two thirds of the members.

Terms of Reference of the Committee:

  1. Setting the criteria required for scholarships.
  2. Making decisions on applications and choosing the most suitable candidates in accordance with the provisions of these regulations.
  3. Approval and ratification of Al-Neelain University scholarships.
  4. Consider all matters related to scholarships.
  5. Do all the necessary to accomplish the purposes of these regulations.

Issued under my name and my signature on
15th of Ramadan 1437. 21st of June 2016


Professor Mohamed El Ameen Ahmed

Chairman of Al-Neelain University Senate